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Aqua Terra Zoo GmbH

Haus des Meeres – Aqua Terra Zoo GmbH operates the zoo of the same name in the former Esterházypark flak tower. The scientifically recognised zoo is an educational institution that aims to provide visitors with knowledge of the diversity of the animal kingdom and offer insights into bio-ecological relationships and the ethical values associated with them.
Animal-friendly husbandry and the best possible care for our animals is a defining quality feature of our house.

In this context, the Haus des Meeres is a member of the national zoo organization OZO as well as the European Zoo Association EAZA, the Association of European Aquarium Curators EUAC and the Global Association of Zoos and Aquarium Houses WAZA and the VdZ Association of Zoological Gardens.

The Aqua Terra Zoo focuses on:

  • the fulfilment of the expectations of our visitors through a varied and informative exhibition
  • the design of the exhibition within the framework of the legal regulations
  • the support of offspring programs, thereby reducing the number of animals that are taken from the wild
  • the acquisition of confiscated animals
  • early detection and avoidance of errors and sources of danger

These specifications are the benchmark for the continuous improvement of the entire company and require all employees to achieve these goals. We strive to create a working environment for staff that encourages everyone's creativity. This is done based on our quality specifications.

Zoo director Dr. Michael Mitic Zoo director Dr. Michael Mitic

Dr. Michael Mitic
Zoo director

Curator Daniel Abed-Navandi Curator Daniel Abed-Navandi

Mag. Dr. Daniel Abed-Navandi
Ass. director & curator of department seawater

Veterinarian Jeff Schreiner Veterinarian Jeff Schreiner

Mag. med. vet. Jeff Schreiner
Curator of department mammals, birds & freshwater

Curator Robert Riener Curator Robert Riener

Mag. Dr. Robert Riener
Curator of department reptiles & amphibians